Summer Staff

Staff Member responsibilities:

  • Direct supervision of a cabin of 12 to 18 campers with one or two other staff members.
  • Supervision of all aspects of the campers’ day: prep times, chapel, cabin clean-up, meals, daily and evening activities, and at all times during excursions.
  • Assignment to a specific department, including ideation, planning, and execution of activities and events.
  • Assignment to and execution of specific duties on trips.

Expectations of our Staff Members:

  • Mandatory summer commitment: June 17 - August 16, 2024
  • The acceptance of all Staff Members is contingent on a background check.
  • Maintain a professional appearance and demeanor at all times, recognizing that we are guests of the Greek Government and representatives of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
  • Be a positive Orthodox Christian role model for campers and others, which includes adhering to camp policies and rules, maintaining cleanliness, punctuality, sportsmanship, proper dress attire and Orthodox faith and morality.
  • Be willing, open, and able to work with teenagers.
  • No alcohol, drugs or illegal substances while in Greece.
  • No acting out of any kind.
  • Ensure the physical, emotional, spiritual health and safety of the campers.
  • Execute and support the camp policies and procedures.
  • Work well in close proximity with others throughout the summer.
  • Be willing to take charge and motivate others.
  • Be able to take direction and constructive criticism.
  • Exercise extreme care in all interpersonal relationships involving staff members and campers.
Responsive Image
Responsive Image

The Staff Application

The application consists of:

  1. The written application, including short answers and references, linked below
  2. The video submission, sent to [email protected]
  3. The video interview, which will be scheduled once parts 1 and 2 of your application have been received

Video Submission

Social media allows us to share with the world more about our lives and adventures. We want to see the unique talents and skills that will help you succeed at Ionian Village, as an individual and as part of the staff group. Using the parameters below, create your best representation of what makes you unique!

Parameters for your video submission:

  1. A video, no longer than 90 seconds, uploaded to the platform of your choice (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc.)
  2. Is a unique expression of your talents and skills that showcases your personality, not just your resume! Creativity is key!
  3. Shared publicly online, with a link sent directly to the Office of Ionian Village at [email protected]

2024 Staff Applications are OPEN!

Apply now through January 15, 2024. We look forward to welcoming dedicated individuals like you to our Ionian Village family.