Medical Staff

The Medical Staff plays a critical role in overseeing and maintaining the health and safety standards of Ionian Village, working in close collaboration with the Camp Director to ensure the well-being of all campers and staff. Before applying to be part of the Ionian Village experience, it's important for all potential Medical Staff Members to fully understand their responsibilities in this capacity. Ionian Village welcomes applications for Medical Staff and is particularly interested in energetic doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses who actively practice their faith, possess youth work or camping experience (preferred but not required), and are enthusiastic about working in a dynamic camp environment.

Medical Staff responsibilities:

  • Available to serve for the duration of either Session One or Session Two
  • To oversee all aspects of health and safety of campers and staff at Ionian Village, while working within the framework of the established Ionian Village program and policies under the direction of the Camp Director.
  • To secure, dispense, and oversee all medications (OTC and prescription) administered at camp.
  • To provide all aspects of medical care and supervision of any medical problems while maintaining accurate records of all interactions.
  • To comply with all of the policies and procedures of the Ionian Village program, as outlined in the Medical Staff Handbook.
  • To be an active and present part of the Ionian Village program, and to contribute to the Christ-centered environment.
  • Act as a chaperone on Arrival/Departure Days at the airport and while on board the flights, until you have reached Greece/America. Only in the case that there is enough coverage will you be able to extend your time in Greece, at the discretion of the Director.

Medical Staff Travel & Registration Expenses

Ionian Village covers the full cost for Medical Staff to attend camp. If they have a spouse or child that is too young to be in the program that would like to attend with them, they are responsible for covering the cost of their airfare. If they have children that are attending camp as campers, they may receive a discount on the registration fee. Any deviations from this must be approved in advance by the Director and are at your own expense. As we rely on our Medical Staff and Clergy to chaperone campers to and from Greece, please clear any additional travel in Greece prior to or after the program session dates with the Director.

Medical Staff Application Process

The application consists of:
  1. The written application, including short answers and references, is linked below
  2. The video call will be scheduled once your application has been received 

2024 Staff Applications are OPEN!

Apply now through January 15, 2024.We look forward to welcoming dedicated individuals like you to our Ionian Village family.